Monday, July 27, 2015

Chains in our living room

Yes, we do have chains hanging in the middle of our living room. When Rachel decided she wanted to teach herself how to do aerial chains, she needed a place to practice. My husband, who always wants to support the girls especially when it involves heights, possible bodily injury, and a risk factor, said she could put them up in our living room. This is one of the many times that we could have used a basement.

He made sure they were safely attached and Rachel taught herself how to do them. Eventually, she bought longer chains that she took to a gym where she could practice up higher. I have posted her performing so most of you may have seen it.

The chains are still in our living room. During Halloween season, chains in the living room aren't overly conspicuous though we don't have any other decorations up. I am so used to them now that I forget they are there. I do wonder though what the auditor for our business insurance thought when he came the other day to look at our books. He had to walk right past them to get to the table. I didn't even think about it until he had left. However, I do wonder if that is why, when he needed some more information, we met at McDonald's!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Not feeling funny today

I really intended for this blog to be funny and lighthearted. However, I do not feel funny. I saw a little of the video of the woman talking about harvesting baby parts while she was eating and drinking. I could not watch the whole thing. At first, I felt nothing but loathing for her, she truly disgusted me. Eventually, after calming down, I knew that I needed to be praying for her.

I have so many thoughts and emotions swirling through my mind and heart that it is difficult to express them. One thing really disturbs me. Where is the outrage?? If this was happening to animals it would be all over the news and Facebook and she would be portrayed as evil incarnate. But instead, it is precious little babies and it gets very little notice.

May God show us mercy and may we see just how awful this really is and support any measure to stop it.

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Monday, July 13, 2015

My first blog post and it involves toilet paper.

For quite a while now I have thought about starting a blog. There have been a few reasons I haven't done it. One of them is worry over friends who are grammar police reading my blog. I decided to go ahead casting that fear aside but with the following disclaimer: To my grammar police friends, read at your own risk.

 I hope this blog will be funny and lighten your day. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Proverbs 17:22.  There may be times I post more serious thoughts but in general, it will lean more towards things I may find amusing or hope that you may find amusing.

 Toilet paper is what made me start thinking about writing a blog again.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that someone else put the toilet paper on the toilet paper holder today.  However, I did notice that it was on backwards.  I realize that backwards to me may not be backwards to you. I prefer my toilet paper to come over the top. I also do not want you to try to change my mind. I am 54 years old and I'm happy with my toilet paper directional choice. I tried to tell myself that it was not important.  The important thing was there was toilet paper and it was on the toilet paper holder.  The first time, I just left it alone.  But the second time, I couldn't take it any longer and I had to change it. Now is everything right with the world? No.  But at least I am not bugged by the toilet paper roll.