Monday, July 13, 2015

My first blog post and it involves toilet paper.

For quite a while now I have thought about starting a blog. There have been a few reasons I haven't done it. One of them is worry over friends who are grammar police reading my blog. I decided to go ahead casting that fear aside but with the following disclaimer: To my grammar police friends, read at your own risk.

 I hope this blog will be funny and lighten your day. "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones" Proverbs 17:22.  There may be times I post more serious thoughts but in general, it will lean more towards things I may find amusing or hope that you may find amusing.

 Toilet paper is what made me start thinking about writing a blog again.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that someone else put the toilet paper on the toilet paper holder today.  However, I did notice that it was on backwards.  I realize that backwards to me may not be backwards to you. I prefer my toilet paper to come over the top. I also do not want you to try to change my mind. I am 54 years old and I'm happy with my toilet paper directional choice. I tried to tell myself that it was not important.  The important thing was there was toilet paper and it was on the toilet paper holder.  The first time, I just left it alone.  But the second time, I couldn't take it any longer and I had to change it. Now is everything right with the world? No.  But at least I am not bugged by the toilet paper roll.


  1. Go you! Toilet paper thoughts always seem to make people smile. Oh, the things we think, and ruminate on! ;) I'm also working on beginning a usual I am overthinking it and making it too hard. Hopefully within the next two weeks I will be up and running. Congratulations on your "maiden voyage".

  2. Hahaha! Yes, that is the way toilet paper is supposed to go! Other people just don't get it...
